Dukan Day: 3
Remaining Days: 61 (149 until consolidation)
Weight Lost: 1kg
Weight To Go: 7.8kg
I'm sure I'm not the first expat to experience this: go to your home country for the holidays, eat all those foods (and drink all those drinks) you missed, gain weight, return and realise that you've gained 5kg!
Which wouldn't be too bad if I hadn't also gained 5kg living it up in the months prior. So, I don't have an amazing amount of weight to lose, but my body doesn't lose weight easily.
I've read that keeping a diary or writing a blog can help you to stick to a diet... so here is my attempt. And if you're here and reading it, whatever country you're in, I hope I've given you a little insight into doing the Dukan Diet (in Japan).
If you've made it here, I'm quite sure you are familiar with the
Dukan Diet basics and are aware of finding your "true weight". According to this I will hit my true weight on the 12th March (about 61 days from now) and I would have consolidated this on the 8th June (149 days from now).
My "true weight" is actually higher than I would like it to be... so I might continue the cruise phase for longer, but in the mean time I'll aim for my "true weight" and think about losing more
if when I get there.
One thing that should be noted: I can't cook. (I can boil eggs and vegetables, microwave fish and make a sandwich).
I also have no sense of smell, so my taste is a bit off.
The Diet So Far:
Day 1 was haaaaarrrrddd.... or rather Night 1 was. I was doing quite well during the day at work (even went out with friends for a delicious lunch of sashimi (raw fish)). At night I found I was craving some chocolate. I resisted. Yay me.
Day 2 was a little better. I had shirataki noodles for the first time - aka no carb, no calorie, no taste noodles - but they were filling. In the evening, I cooked a pretty decent salmon fillet (with basil and lemon juice) which was satisfying. I went out for a movie which helped me to stop thinking about food.
Day 3 went better. I find tea (with 3 sweeteners) is helping me to avoid missing sweet foods.
Let's see what Day 4 brings...